Your home away from home
Profit from our 200-plus years of experience in accompanying young people on their individual paths to success. The Zinzendorf boarding school option provides extraordinary opportunities and new perspectives.
We follow a clear pedagogical model, providing an approach that is fair, consistent and positive. We have policies to deal with matters such as media consumption, scholastic problems and other contemporary issues.
Our boarding houses in Königsfeld in the Black Forest provide around 70 boys and girls in grades 5 to 13 with a “temporary second home”.
Here the boys and girls find a place where they can feel good, discover interests, develop potential, experience community and achieve school goals.
Through individual support and personal attention, our dedicated and experienced team ensures that each young person settles in quickly.
The Zinzendorf boarding option provides special opportunities and new perspectives.
For individual support and personal development

Learning German and Cultures
Thanks to long-standing co-operations with language institutes, our students can enjoy a successful start of their school career. That way the transition from a language school can take place with ease and in close accordance.
Additional German classes within the framework of classes and additional intercultural offers stabilize competences. Classes and the extracurricular life takes place in German. That way, students learn naturally in their daily lives. In the first year of their stay, students visit German courses during their vacations.
On the weekends, we offer a special program with different activities, workshops or excursions. This strengthens the community enables many different experiences beyond lessons and school routine.

Support in small groups with fixed contact person and confidant
Through individual support and personal attention, our dedicated and experienced team ensures that each young person settles in quickly. Every educator takes care about defined groups of appr. 8 - 10 students.
That way, a very personal relationship becomes possible. The group educator is the first contact and confidant for parents and students. They support their youths comprehensively and are available to them during study hall. Therefore, performance development can be individually chaperoned. The group educator has weekly talks with parents for ideal communication.
We are therefore able to support and assist each individual in their learning and in managing their daily lives, while keeping in mind the special talents, interests and needs of each individual. This means that the young people are provided with the ideal conditions for successful learning and extensive opportunities for purposeful leisure activities.
It is our task and our goal to help students to learn to take responsibility for themselves and for others in today’s complex society.
The young people in our boarding houses are given opportunities to express their views and air grievances. They have a say in relation to investment, acquisitions and rules in the boarding houses.

Attractive Buildings and Space for Sports and Leisure
There’s no chance of being bored! Whether it’s sport, art or culture, technology or handicrafts, music or a social assignment, and whether with friends or by yourself – with us there is a broad range of options for every interest.
Our range of school clubs is very broad. Until the end of middle school, participation in at least one club is compulsory.
Unique golfing offer “Go for Golf”: intensive golf instruction which is provided in collaboration with the Golf & Country Club Königsfeld and the renowned golf school HuKi PGA-Golfschule
What is boarding school life like?
Have a look on a nice description "living and learning in my boarding school" released by one of our educators (in German).
The students may take part in interesting activities besides school and learning according to this weekly schedule.
And also these press releases give an overview of the activities and experiences in our boarding house (in German).
Separate boarding school homepage for more information
You want to open up new opportunities for your daughter or your son?
Get to know a place where girls and boys feel comfortable, discover interests, develop potential, experience community and reach scholastic goals: our boarding school.
We look forward to receiving your daughter or your son.
Do not hesitate to contact us. Student admission is possible year round and we offer individual consultation and campus tours.