Our values and esteem
The Zinzendorf Schools in Königsfeld are among the largest state-recognized private schools with boarding facilities. They offer a wide range of academic and vocational qualifications and teach in all types of schools according to the educational plan of the state of Baden-Württemberg. Christian values and openness to the world have characterized our educational work for over 200 years.
We are looking forward to meeting our students.
As a Christian school, we are convinced that each person must be perceived and respected in his or her own way. Teaching and learning therefore take place in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Because we don't have to be perfect, we can always reach out to each other and start anew.
Working with our students is important to us. We are therefore committed to doing our best in the classroom and extracurricular work with our students and to continuously develop the quality of our work.
We are on the move with our students. Our common goals are the strengthening of self-esteem through sustainable relationships, the growth of a healthy self-confidence through experiences with one's own possibilities and limits, and the ability to take responsibility for oneself and others.
To achieve something means to show what you can do.
To do this, we challenge, encourage and support our students - inside and outside the classroom. Various profiles, study groups and support programs offer something for everyone.
We believe that the path does not always have to be straight, but should always have an achievable goal. Therefore, at Zinzendorfschulen, different paths lead to school-leaving qualifications. For us, there are no school dead ends, but only turning points at which the further school path can be chosen anew.
We do it differently

Stronger for the future with our boarding school
We support and accompany each individual in their learning and in structuring their everyday life, keeping each individual with their special talents, interests and needs in mind. In this way, the girls and boys find ideal conditions for successful learning and a wide variety of opportunities for meaningful leisure activities.
In doing so, we follow a clear pedagogical concept with a fair, consistent and positive education.

We communicate openly and in a purposeful manner
It is our concern to always have an open ear for all concerns of students and parents. We are available for contact in many ways. International students receive performance evaluations for the most important subjects every semester in addition to their report cards (2 x per year). Parent-teacher conferences or online communication with teachers encourage good interaction.
Placement agencies use fixed contact persons. Our fee structure is designed to be transparent, so you know exactly what your costs will be. The annual advance payments are offset against the costs incurred at the end of each school year, and a total statement is prepared.

Dedicated contact persons with great service and heart
Reliable and experienced contact persons take care of all questions and services concerning international students and boarding school stays. In this way, all aspects of a successful student's admission and life in a "second home for a time" are taken care of. We support with practical questions in everyday life, dealing with authorities and all daily challenges. Students experience a fast integration quite naturally, they are supported and guided intensively by their classmates, educators and teachers. Our German and introductory courses accompany the integration process.