Vocational school for social science (two years)
Youth and child-care worker – that is a diverse and challenging job. You have the responsibility of supporting children, youths and young adults. The job offers the best chances for a workplace with further possibilities. You support and encourage young people in developing into individual and social personalities.
Our specialized school for youth and child-care workers will train you to be an independent, committed and competent educator, especially in
- institutions and facilities of day-care, such as all-day schools
- institutions of youth welfare, such as in day groups according to §32 KJHG (German social law)
- or in child- and youth-centers and residential groups
- also in special education residential groups and
- special education work-fields like schools and living centers for people with handicaps an in healthcare like rehabilitation institutions
- as well as open youth work
With the education that our specialized school offers, you will be prepared for your occupation as a youth and child-care worker.
Due to additional courses in mathematics an advanced technical college certificate can be obtained, which entitles to studies at all universities of appliced science.
The scholastic full-time education with work-integrated study-periods takes two years. A one-year internship follows the final exams. After a passed colloquium the state approval as “educator, main focus on youth- and child-care worker” is awarded.
Due to additional courses and exams in Mathematics, German and English the advanced technical college certificate and therewith the general scholastic aptitude at a university of applied science can be reached.
Because of our cooperation with the Catholic University of Applied Science in Freiburg it is possible for our students to take part in a shortened Bachelor course in „Education“ after the successful completion of a school career at Zinzendorf Schools.
Admission requirements
- Evidence of a middle school diploma or another equivalent educational background
- as well as a one-year (suitable) guided internship work in institutions and social- and healthcare services (internship, FSJ (voluntary year of social work) or similar)
- or a relevant completed training
- or a completed training at a vocational college for social education
- Applicants with the German “Abitur” or an advanced technical college certificate can enter with a 6-week internship
- Sufficient German language level
Contents of Education
The school education teaching contents support you in developing your competencies. You will acquire:
- Professional competencies such as basics in education, psychology, law and media education, planing and implementing musical-artistic projects
- Social competencies like handling and motivating children and youths with special needs and support with problem and conflict situations.
- Personal competencies e.g. professionally taking the role of educator, empathy and reflection, dealing with pressure.
You can choose concentrations according to your special interests:
- Theater Education
- Working with pupils
- Conflict Management
- Nutrition - cooking with children and youths
- Communication workshop
- Nature education
- Experiential education
During the education you can gain diverse hands-on experience. The internships that total 10 weeks and additional team internships can take place in different working environments. During this time you are closely supported by the teaching staff.

Fachschulen für Sozialpädagogik und Sozialwesen
Beate Ziegler
78126 Königsfeld
Zinzendorfplatz 11
Tel: +49 (0) 77 25 - 93 81 30
Fax: +49 (0) 77 25 - 93 81 48